at my biggest

at my biggest
christmas 2005

Thursday, 15 December 2016

It's been a long time, since l ....

It's been a very long time since l started this blog and so many things have happened. With these changes l have put myself at the bottom of the pile (again) and the weight has crept back on. I now heavier than l was after the birth of my third son. However, l am not as heavy as l was after the birth of my 1st child.

I am now officially on summer holiday. Which means l have 6 weeks to start some new habits before l go back to work. I will also have to work hard on my food prep when l do get back to work. I was so worried about my weight l went and had an appointment with a surgeon about getting a stomach sleeve (that's when they remove 2/3 of your stomach and staple it up). Considering that l have no medical conditions l just couldn't justify the risk. The risk of surgery has to out weigh the gains, and for me the only gains would be easier weight loss.

I also spoke to a great dietitian who said that my healthy base weight way be a lot higher than what is indicated by my BMI. Speaking to her made me look at things differently. She stated that when l was feeling great physically, health wise, was when l was extremely fit.  So today l start trying to pick up my fitness regime. I have been completing my 10K steps a day and doing some basic push ups and sit ups. But l haven't really broken into a sweat.

Also, l am changing my outlook on food. I seem to have a very controlling relationship with food which isn't healthy. Instead l am going to eat what l want, but l am going to think about how it makes me feel. I know that a big massive bowl of fruit salad makes me feel great afterwards, compared to a McDonalds meal.

I have also been drinking way to much alcohol. Again l am going to stop and think before l start. Do l really want this, or can l do something else to make myself feel relaxed. It's summer here in Melbourne at present. So in the evening l have been watering my garden and my youngest normally comes out and joins me and chats to me. It's nice to have sometime outside at the end of the day, rather than sitting in front of some kind of screen.

Today l am 96 kilos and do not feel fit at all. I know l can go for a walk and not get puffed, but l don't feel like l could break into a light jog without falling into a heap. I also want to increase my strength again. These are my goals and ambitions. Next year l am 37. I know it gets harder when you hit 40 so l am really wanting to create this new habits and want them to stick.