Well l thought l was balancing my diet well. My weight has been consistent and l have kept up the exercise. However l have felt my energy levels slowly reducing since Halloween. Yesterday l went to bed at 7 pm and didn't wake up till 8 am. After that amount of sleep l finally feel better, but it begs the question what has caused me to feel so tired. The only link l have is the food l have been eating since Halloween, which has been more sugar based. So today l start to clean up my act all over again. Let's see if this energy slump is because of my diet or my schedule l guess l will find out in five days time.
Although it is hard to do, l find myself automatically placing my hand in the lolly jar. I am currently craving a hot donut. Instead l am having a glass of water and a yogurt. So l will keep you up to date with my energy levels to see if their is a link between the lolly jar and this tired feeling.